


Risk management and monitoring

A Private Acquisition for

the Discerning Entrepreneur.

A Swiss Trust Company, hereafter STC, is a Non-Banking Financial Institution located in Switzerland and authorized to provide a variety of benefits to its shareholders and operators.

With Corb7 international, driven leaders in international finance rely on winning strategies to cut costs, preserve wealth and capture profit from new markets within this sound business framework. A Swiss Trust Company is a rare, focused model that allows discerning entrepreneurs to employ these strategies.

STC can own a variety of assets, including real estate, equities, commodities, fixed income and cash. They can also carry out loans, issue promissory notes and safekeeping receipts. Swiss trust companies are a rare and premium investment which will help you differentiate yourself & your business from the competition in the eyes of prospective customers by emphasizing your uniqueness as a long-standing Swiss corporation.

Name: Global (can be changed at the discretion of the new owner)

Industry: Swiss Trust Company, Asset Management & Fiduciary Company

Type of Company: Swiss Aktiengesellschaft (AG)

Domicile: Zuich, Switzerland (Zug enjoys lowest corporate tax rate in Switzerland)

Year of Incorporation: 1974

Approximate Age of Company: 50 years old

Liabilities: None

Lawsuits: None

Foreign Ownership: Allowed

Foreign Directors: Allowed

Clearing: International clearing capability

Regulatory: Switzerland's regulatory regime is far more relaxed, flexible and less demanding than that

in the US, UK/EU.

Low on-going costs: The on-going operational costs are a fraction of those for a US, UK or other EU

regulated firm

Transition to New Owners:

The transfer of ownership is very fast and simple. Upon payment of the purchase price, the shares will

be transferred to new owner(s) immediately. There is no regulatory approval required of new

shareholders in Switzerland.


理財總監  劉俐旻

商務特助  賴文萍

行政特助  蕭潔儒

Provide a safe haven for your personal and corporate wealth.